Home Renovation Guide: 8 Steps To Renovating A House

a home renovation plan with tools to execute the plan

Renovating your home is an exciting process that brings you one step closer to your dream home. However, there are many steps to renovating a house that you need to consider in order to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible.

But when renovating a house, where do you start? Knowing the steps to remodeling a house may seem overwhelming. Read on to learn more about how to plan a step by step house renovation and what you need to know about the process.

Installing new windows and doors from Asher is a great way to enhance your Wisconsin home during a renovation. 

How To Plan a Home Renovation

Before you start renovating a house, it’s imperative to thoroughly plan the project. Properly planning and creating a home renovation guide helps you manage expectations, reduce stress, and ensure the project stays on budget and schedule.

This is especially important to do if you don’t have any prior renovation experience. Make sure you make a renovation checklist for what rooms you want to remodel, what projects you’ll need a professional for, and any questions you have about the process.

Some common examples of what you can add to your checklist and where to start when remodeling a home include:

  • Installing new carpet or hardwood floors
  • Replacing your home’s old gutter system
  • Renovating your kitchen to include new countertops and a picture window
  • Retiling your bathroom or shower
  • Renovating the master bedroom
  • Adding patio doors to extend into your outdoor space
  • Weatherproofing your home to protect it from the elements
  • Replacing or updating HVAC systems, electricity, or water pump

Adding outdoor shades and solar screens can enhance your outdoor space during your renovation. 

an eight step home renovation checklist

Step-By-Step Home Renovation Checklist

Creating a step by step home renovation checklist can guide you throughout each stage of your project with as little hassle as possible. It also helps you determine where and how to start renovating a house, especially since it is a large undertaking.

A home renovation checklist also serves as a framework for you to keep your project organized and on track. While everyone’s checklist will look slightly different depending on your home’s needs, when creating your home remodeling guide, keep the following steps in mind:

Step 1: Assess Your Home’s Needs And Goals

Before even looking into how to plan a home remodel, it’s essential to assess the current state of your home and identify key areas that are in need of improvement. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you looking to increase functional space?
  • Do you want to enhance energy efficiency?
  • Is it time to update the home’s style and aesthetics?
  • Do you need to replace or remodel any necessities, like the foundation or HVAC system?

Starting off with questions like this can help you create clear goals for the renovation. Then, the steps to renovate a house will not only seem less daunting, but you will have a better sense for how to start a home remodel for your needs and desires.

Step 2: Set A Budget For Your Renovation

After you figure out what your goals are for the project, the next step on your checklist for remodeling a home should be to set a budget. This needs to include funds that account for:

  • The renovation itself (materials, professional needs, permits)
  • Unexpected expenses (potential roadblocks, the need for longer time on some projects)
  • Loan needs

It’s important to prioritize your spending according to the goals you established in the first step of the home remodel checklist. For example, if your main objective is to remodel your master bedroom, make sure that your budget accounts for this room more than smaller project needs.

Asher Lasting Exteriors can help you install speciality windows for your home renovation project, ensuring all of your needs are met.

Step 3: Hire The Right Professionals

After establishing your goals and budget for the project, now it’s time to hire a professional for the job. No renovating a house checklist is complete without thoroughly vetting your contractors and designers for the project. This means:

  • Checking their credentials, insurance, and permits
  • Reviewing their past work and checking references
  • Ensuring they have good communication about the timeline, payments, and potential roadblocks
  • Feeling comfortable and confident with the professionals you choose to work with

Asher Lasting Exteriors has been around Western Wisconsin for 50 years, meaning you know you’re getting the best care for your home’s needs. We were founded on the principles of customer satisfaction, quality craftsmanship, and cutting-edge innovation. Check our customer reviews for testimonials, examples of our work, and more.

Step 4: Design Your Space

The next steps to renovating a house should be visualizing the end result of your plan. Make sure you plan your layout, style, and aesthetics according to your needs and goals. Functional exterior and interior design should play a pivotal role in this, as your home will need to cater to your lifestyle. If you struggle with planning it out yourself, make sure you contact a designer, architect, or other professional to assist with the process. Their expertise will make sure all your needs are addressed.

Replacing your windows can be a great way to increase the functionality and aesthetics of your space.

Step 5: Secure Permits And Materials

It’s imperative to secure the necessary permits for the renovation work you’re having done. Make sure you research your local zoning regulations, if your neighborhood has any restrictions for remodels, and if you need permits for specific projects. You can ask your contractor more about this step if you’re unsure about anything. You can get in serious trouble with local municipalities for skipping this step, so make sure you do your due diligence.

Next, you’ll need to find the right materials that balance quality and budget. You’ll want to find materials that won’t break the bank but will still create the aesthetic you want for your home.

Step 6: Plan Your Timeline

Creating a realistic timeline for your remodel is essential. You’ll need to budget for any potential delays that may come from materials being out of stock, shipping times, and other issues that could arise during the demolition process.

A good way to plan a timeline is to start with the big projects first, such as anything to do with utilities, foundation issues, and wiring. These will need to be done before anything else. Then, you can look into completing smaller projects that won’t hinge on the completion of larger issues.

Replacing your home’s windows is a big undertaking that shouldn’t be left until the end – Asher can help you determine what you’ll need for your project.

Step 7: Begin Home Renovation Projects

Once you’ve tackled the previous steps, it’s finally time to start the actual construction and renovation process. It’s important to have regular communication with your contractors or any other professionals to ensure that everything is going to plan and you know if anything from the plan is missing.

For anything you can do yourself, it’s time to start prepping the room and actually undertaking the project. For example, if you’re painting, make sure you have everything covered and have the proper ventilation.

Depending on the scope of your project, however, you may need to account for secondary accommodations while the larger renovations are being done.

Step 8: Finalize And Assess The Renovation

After your renovations are complete, it’s important to conduct a final walkthrough of the space. This way, you can address any potential issues, ensure all work meets your standards, and determine the amount of cleanup you may need to do.

When completing this step, make sure your initial goals of improved functionality, aesthetics, or other goals were thoroughly met.

Asher Lasting Exteriors team

Asher Lasting Exteriors: Western Wisconsin’s Window, Door, And Gutter Replacement Experts

Are you looking to renovate your home? Asher Lasting Exteriors is here to provide any window, door, gutter, and outdoor shade replacement needs. Our aim is to be consistently above industry standards, meaning we only work with the best systems and companies out there. This way, you know your home will exceed any initial expectations you have while you’re planning your remodel.

Get in touch with our team today to learn more about how we can help with your renovation or any other projects you may have. We can provide you with the knowledge, expertise, and support you need.